A life pleasing to God

A life pleasing to God

A life pleasing to God The Bible teaches us very clearly that as Christians, we must aim to live a life that is pleasing to God. We were not saved to live for our own pleasures; we were saved to live for the One who died for us and rose...

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Mesai de Pasti – 1 Corinteni 15

insemnatatea invierii lui Hristos

Insemnatatea invierii lui Hristos – 1 Corinteni 15:12-26 Hristos a inviat!  O parte din mesajul din ziua de Paste adresat bisericii Bethel din Brisbane, in care am incercat sa raspund unei intrebari cu care ne framantam zilele acestea: “De ce credinta in invierea Domnului Isus Hristos este importanta pentru nadejdea...

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Why should we memorise Bible verses?

It takes time and effort to memorise Bible verses. But when we consider the spiritual benefits we can achieve through this practice, it is well worth the effort. Here are some reasons why we should memorise Bible verses: To focus our minds on spiritual things The Bible instructs us to “set your minds...

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Seed for Tree fundraising

Yesterday a group from our church went to Stafford Heights Baptist Church where we were invited to sing some Romanian hymns.  It was a great day where we could not only hear some old hymns but also find out some information about the dates those hymns were created and a little...

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