Romani 5: Ce este neprihanirea?

Ce este neprihanirea

Ce este neprihanirea? Mesajul din epistola catre Romani 5 incepe cu afirmatia ca “fiindca suntem socotiti neprihaniti prin credinta, avem pace cu Dumnezeu, prin Domnul nostru Isus Hristos.” Pastorul David Toma incearca in mesajul din acesta duminica, adresat bisericii Bethel din Brisbane, sa raspunde la intrebarea “Ce este neprihanirea?”  ...

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A life pleasing to God

A life pleasing to God

A life pleasing to God The Bible teaches us very clearly that as Christians, we must aim to live a life that is pleasing to God. We were not saved to live for our own pleasures; we were saved to live for the One who died for us and rose...

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Mesai de Pasti – 1 Corinteni 15

insemnatatea invierii lui Hristos

Insemnatatea invierii lui Hristos – 1 Corinteni 15:12-26 Hristos a inviat!  O parte din mesajul din ziua de Paste adresat bisericii Bethel din Brisbane, in care am incercat sa raspund unei intrebari cu care ne framantam zilele acestea: “De ce credinta in invierea Domnului Isus Hristos este importanta pentru nadejdea...

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Baptism Service – 28 January 2018

On 28 January 2018, at our morning service, we had the joy of baptising two young people – Samuel and Julia. We praise God for the beautiful work He has begun in their lives, and for the wonderful time of worship, the ministry of the word of God and the...

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Fellowship in the Word of God

Fellowship in the Word of God

The early Christians “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching” (Acts 2:42).  Jesus commanded His apostles to go into all the world and teach people everything that He commanded them. The apostles taught others what they learned from Jesus, and what they continued to learn from Him through the work of...

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